Preface to the Book of Romans Seedling


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Of all the events we know about in John Wesley’s life, surely none has received more attention among his spiritual descendants than his Aldersgate experience. It happened on a May evening in 1738 when, upon attending a society meeting on Aldersgate Street, he heard someone reading Luther’s Preface to Romans. Wesley said that he felt his heart strangely warmed. He felt a sense of trust in Christ alone for his salvation. He felt a sense of assurance of his justification in Christ and his salvation from the law of sin and death (xiii–xiv).

We do not know exactly what part of Luther’s Preface Wesley was listening to when he had this experience. He told us only that it was while he [Luther] was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ. We’re pleased to share Luther’s entire writing to you in this 40-page Seedbed Seedling booklet.

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